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Exterior of Mundelein Facility

Face Covering Update

Throughout the pandemic, the safety of our patrons and staff has been our top priority.  With the recent surge in COVID-19 cases, Governor Pritzker has mandated* that beginning Monday, August 30, all individuals age 2 and over must wear face coverings inside public buildings, regardless of vaccination status.

Please note the change in our Covid-19 protocols:

  • Per the State of Illinois Executive Order No. 87*, effective Monday, August 30, the District is requiring all individuals ages 2 and older, regardless of vaccination status to wear a face-covering when inside Mundelein Park & Recreation District facilities.
  • Currently, there is no change in face-covering guidance for outdoor public settings, but the District asks that all those in attendance at outdoor events be respectful of those around them and practice physical distancing.
  • All patrons and employees fully vaccinated or not, must continue to monitor their symptoms for COVID-19 and refrain from visiting any of our facilities when they have COVID-19 symptoms.
  • Please continue to use respiratory etiquette and hand hygiene – cover your coughs and sneezes and clean your hands often with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60-96% alcohol, or wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • As a matter of standard practice, our staff disinfects bathrooms, cleans classrooms, floors, fitness equipment, and frequently touched surfaces daily.
  • Hand sanitizer and/or disinfectant wipes are available at all facilities and we encourage guests and staff to use these.

*This mandate includes employers, retailers, restaurants/bars, fitness/recreational centers, schools, libraries, governmental entities, healthcare facilities, and public venues.  For additional information from the Center for Disease Control and the State of Illinois visit the State of Illinois Coronavirus Response Website.

We will continue to monitor and follow the guidelines associated with COVID-19 on the federal, state, and county levels, as they relate to our programs and facilities and to keep the community safe.

We understand that the move back to wearing a face-covering indoors can be frustrating and we thank you for all of your support and cooperation throughout the changes.



Mundelein Park & Recreation District

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