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Exterior of Mundelein Facility


May 2024 Director Update

Executive Director Ron Salski starts the summer season off with details about Mundelein's Memorial Day parade, opening information for our outdoor aquatic facilities, Concerts in the Park series, upcoming special events at the District, and the upcoming opening of 6 pickleball courts at Maurice Noll Park.… Read more…

Social Media Policy

Social Media Policy This policy is to set forth guidelines for the utilization of social media and social network sites that enhance park district communication and provide information to the public, without violating individuals’ right to free speech. Social media encourages users to share thoughts, opinions, and other comments on our social media platforms. Posts… Read more…

April Director Update

Executive Director Ron Salski thanks everyone for fundraising efforts for the All-Inclusive Space at Kracklauer Park and shares details of the Park Foundation's first-ever Meat Raffle at Crossroads Restaurant and Bar on Sunday, April 28, 1–5 pm. He gives an update on the Longmeadow Park project and Maurice Noll tennis and pickleball court installations. Summer… Read more…

Meat Raffle Fun-Raiser Planned

Mundelein Parks Foundation is hosting a meat raffle fundraiser on Sunday, April 28, to raise funds for the Inclusive Space Project and recreational scholarships. The raffle will be held at Crossroads Restaurant and Bar at 1021 IL-83 in Mundelein from 1–5 pm. The afternoon of fun includes live music from 5 Rounds, a 50/50 raffle,… Read more…

Construction Underway of New Pickleball Courts and Tennis Court coming at Maurice Noll Park

Update: Construction for pickleball and tennis courts is scheduled to be completed May. Mundelein Park & Recreation District will renovate the three tennis courts in Spring 2024. Since pickleball is the country’s fastest-growing recreational activity/sport, we have identified Maurice Noll Park tennis courts as a location to add permanent pickleball courts. As part of the… Read more…

Park District Employees honored at Employee Recognition Event

Six Mundelein Park & Recreation District employees were awarded the honor of Employee of the Year at an annual Employee Recognition event held last weekend. The Administration Department recognized Dawn Dahl for diligently working to gather Distinguished Accreditation documentation and organizing all the Board Packets, Budget Books, and anything else needed. These tasks required extreme… Read more…

OSLAD Grant Provides Remaining Funding for All-Inclusive Playground

Mundelein Park & Recreation District received confirmation of a matching grant award of $600,000 for Kracklauer Park from the Illinois Department of Natural Resource’s Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) program. The grant application included the construction of the All-Inclusive Playground plus additional accessible amenities, including boccia courts, a fishing station, and a pollinator… Read more…

Mundelein Park & Recreation District

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